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You can help make a difference in Men’s lives – by joining Daaman in the survival, protection, and development of Men, most vulnerable to commit suicide in India.

Your contribution will help ensure and strengthen the fight against the ongoing and ever-increasing threat of gender bias in society and laws.


Donations can be made online from this page, and can also be made by cheque or NEFT transfer to our account. For more details request you to meet us in our weekly meetings or contact any of our members.

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Single Helpline Number For Men In Distress In India

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©2018-2020 Daaman Welfare Society & Trust.

All rights reserved.

Beware, anyone can be a victim of gender bias in society and laws! 

Don't wait: Schedule a conversation with a trusted, experienced Men's Rights Activist to find out how only awareness is the key to fight and remove prevailing gender bias against men in society.
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