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Application format for clubbing all cases in single court

Writer: Anupam DubeyAnupam Dubey

Application format for clubbing all cases in single court

Application format for clubbing all cases in single court


Criminal Transfer Appl. No.:_____ of 2019

Applicant, S/o ________, R/o _____________


1: State of U.P.

2: Respondent, R/o ____________

In the matters of

Case No. ____ of 20__

State Of U.P. Vs _____

U/s 498a/323/504/506 IPC

P.S. _______


Case No. ____ of 20__

_________ Vs _____________

U/s 12 of Domestic Violence Act

P.S. _______


Case No. ____ of 20__

_________ Vs _____________

U/s _______

P.S. _______

Humble application seeking clubbing of cases by way of transfer.

Hon’ble Sir,

It is most respectfully submitted:

  • That the following connected matters arising out of the single matrimonial dispute are pending in various courts:

  • That all the above mentioned cases arose out of single matrimonial dispute and are connected.

  • That the Case No. ____ of 20__, ‘___________ Vs __________’, U/s ___________ IPC, P.S. _______ pending in the court of Hon’ble MM-Y had operational stay orders from Hon’ble High Court since __/__/20__, but the stay order have been vacated in view of the law laid down by Hon’ble Apex Court in the case of Asian Resurfacing of Road Pvt. Ltd. Vs Central Bureau of Investigation and other connected matters reported in (2018) SCC OnLine SC 310. [In case some case was stayed and wish to use SC judgment in order to start the proceedings]

  • That it is in the interest of justice that since all the aforementioned cases are connected, between the same parties and pertains to the same matrimonial dispute, above mentioned cases be clubbed in any one senior court by way of transfer so that a holistic view is taken and to avoid the conflicting orders of the Hon’ble courts.


It is therefore very humbly and respectfully prayed that for the reasons enumerated above, this Hon’ble Court may graciously be pleased to club the aforesaid matters in one senior court at the earliest, in the interest of justice.


Date: __/__/20__


1 Comment

CNRao dr
CNRao dr
Apr 11, 2022

Sir download able word format will be much useful..thank u.


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