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Father's Day celebrations - 2019

Writer's picture: Anupam DubeyAnupam Dubey

Updated: May 15, 2020

Father's Day celebrations - 2019

Daaman celebrated #FathersDay on 16th June 2019 at Rave 3 Mall, Parvati Bagla Road, Kanpur in the honour of Fathers to admire fatherhood, strengthening paternal bonds and to illustrate the role of a father in the family unit and in the society.

The celebration of Father’s Day holds more relevance in today’s scenario as the Father devotes his life, discharges his responsibility and executes his duties towards his children without expectations. He is first and the best mentor and friend for his child. Though in the present scenario his role is undermined and taken for granted. He has been burdened with all the forced liabilities but devoid of any right in the name of eradicating gender biases by the lawmakers. The lawmakers are biased toward one gender and applying the wicked policy of divide and rule in the family system under the garb of vote bank politics attracting leftists and feminists.

A need is felt to spread awareness in the society that the father should be protected first in order to protect the family. Daaman is making all possible efforts for recognition of health, economic and legal rights of the father and to ensure his well-being in the society.

There was a series of interactive activities in the program like #SelfieWithFather, Video message to Father, drawing placards for the Father, etc. There were very positive response and huge participation involving all kind of people irrespective of gender and age. With high vision, thoughtful and detailed planning and the meticulous execution by the members, Daaman was able to execute such a prestigious program.

On behalf of Daaman family, we convey our thanks and appreciate all the participants, media persons and members of the trust for making this event a success. We also, convey our thanks to the management team of Rave 3 for their warmth response, hospitality and coordination to make this event a memorable experience.

Photo album to browse is available here.

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