FATHER’S DAY - 2019 (Press Release)
Awareness Campaign - Venue: Rave 3 Mall, Parvati Bagla Road, Kanpur
Daaman Welfare Trust recognizes the serious effects of Parental Alienation of children due to single parent families on account of divorce or separation and is committed to eliminate such cruel alienation of children from their fathers due to ever increasing divorce/separation rates.
We organized an awareness drive in support of our demand Family Law Reforms, where we highlighted the grievances of fathers, who are deprived of access to their own dear children, and their innocent children who are deprived access to their own fathers, which is mainly due to gender biased laws and thereby leading to serious human rights violations amounting to child abuse. This awareness program is on behalf of those children, who are voiceless victims and to protect their rights to be connected to both biological parents.
Father’s Day is celebrated worldwide to honor the contribution of “Fathers”, as an expression of love and tribute to the Fathers by their children. It is needless to say the present day fathers are actively involved in parenting their kids in the physical, mental & emotional welfare. But, thanks to the inherent gynocentrism in society, the mother-child relationship enjoys an exalted status in India. Unfortunately, this comes at the expense of the father whose role in a child’s development is often unacknowledged. This mass-misconception has contributed to the gender-bias nestled in the legal system.
Custodial cases are often ruled in favor of women. A shared parenting arrangement, which accounts for the holistic growth of the child, takes a blow as almost always the law grants child custody to the mother only. This is one of the worst forms of child abuse, as the children suffer the consequences of permanent psychological damage from resulting disorders like Parental Alienation syndrome (PAS) and Reactive Associative Disorders that wrap a child’s overall development.
We demand the following reforms & amendments in Indian Family Laws:
Implement the recommendations of Law Commission, in its Report No. 257 regarding Guardianship and Custody Laws recommended adopting ‘shared parenting system’ in India.
We urge to have a separate Union Ministry for Children, to de-link the same from the present Women and Child Development (WCD) ministry, since their objectives are different and child rights are being ignored.
We urge the government to sign the Hague Convention! Since, in regard to cases of international child abduction, as per Law Commission of India, 68% of the abducting parents are mothers, out of which 54% had gone home to a country in which they held citizenship! Hague Convention is just an international treaty and not signing the convention is likely to further increase the number of fatherless children in society!
It should be made mandatory that documents pertaining to child welfare like passport, school admission forms, Bank accounts, medical reports etc., should be always with the consent and signature of both biological parents and the child surname should not be changed after divorce.
Father’s should get paternity leave in all organisations upon the birth of their child, in order to pay attention to the well-being of the infant.
As per the research done by the multiple organizations across the globe, it reveals shocking information that children deprived of their Father’s care are:
5 times more likely to commit suicide
9 times more likely to drop out of high school
14 times more likely to end up as Rapist
20 times more likely to end up in prison or become drug addicted
32 times more likely to run away from home.
Thus there is no doubt that fathers involvement in child care cannot be substituted by anybody in the world.Joint custody and SHARED PARENTING are the BEST SOLUTIONS in divorce and parental separation. Even though children constitute about 40% of country’s population, they are voiceless victims as they are not part of any “Vote Bank”. Thus, to create public awareness on this highly sensitive subject of child abuse and human rights issue, we appeal and invite our media friends to highlight this issue & rededicate ourselves to save children from fatherless-ness and save their childhood and ensure their happiness since they are the future assets of our nation.
Date: 16/06/2019
Anupam Dubey