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International Men's Day - Nov 19

Team Daaman

International Men’s Day, a day dedicated to recognize the contribution of men in society, is celebrated in a large part of the world on 19th Nov each year.

Sacrifices of men in the role of a father, a brother, a son, a husband, friend or any other such role in our lives have always gone underrated and the society has ignored to acknowledge and appreciate men for their constructive contribution. In fact, it is not uncommon to see men being ridiculed, insulted and taken for granted for being men. And today’s society shows a great deal of male hatred ness which is creating an unrest in the social discourse.

Daaman Welfare Society, under the aegis of Save Indian Family Movement, organized an awareness campaign in Kanpur on Monday 19th Nov 2018 on the occasion of International Men’s Day.

The day was marked with the huge presence of men’s rights activists and the public at large carrying out the awareness campaign on rising male suicides, need of a national commission for men welfare and also raise voice against the #DigitalMobLynching in the name of #MeToo India movement.

In the evening team Daaman joined late Manuj's family for the inauguration of a book on Manuj's life!

International Men's Day

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Beware, anyone can be a victim of gender bias in society and laws! 

Don't wait: Schedule a conversation with a trusted, experienced Men's Rights Activist to find out how only awareness is the key to fight and remove prevailing gender bias against men in society.
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