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Men perform last rites in protest of traditional set up of society, demand equality - HT

Around 150 men from different parts of the country gathered at the ghat, took a dip in the Ganga and performed last rites of their marital relations.

Men perform last rites in protest of traditional set up of society, demand equality

Protesting against feminism, which they said shattered their families, a group of men performed last rites of their ‘marital relations’ at the famous Manikarnika Ghat on Monday.

Around 150 men from different parts of the country gathered at the ghat, took a dip in the Ganga and performed last rites of their marital relations.

Amit Deshpande, a social activist who attended the event, said, “We don’t want to go back to traditional set up of the society in which men are considered as protectors and providers and women as caretakers. We support equality. But feminism in today’s form has deviated from its core values of equality and is trying to create a gynocentric society.”

“Therefore, the last rites of the corrupted form of feminism, as it prevails in the society at present, was performed. We want equality in every form. Last rites of the bias and discrimination against men were also performed,” Deshpande said.

Anupam Dubey of Daaman Welfare Society and Save Indian Family, a group of NGOs that organised the event, said: “We are fighting for the rights of the men. There is bias against men. Many a family broke because of this form of feminism. We are against it. Equality means equality.”

False cases of dowry, atrocities against women were registered against a large number of men in the country, Dubey said adding that Madhya Pradesh topped the chart in such cases. He said those who became victim of the false cases were part of the ritual.

Source, here.


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