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Ranchi baby-selling racket: Police trying to track down 120 unwed mothers

Writer's picture: Anupam DubeyAnupam Dubey

Ranchi baby-selling racket: Police trying to track down 120 unwed mothers

Police are trying to track the whereabouts of 120 unwed mothers who were admitted in the Missionaries of Charity's (MoC) ward since 2016 in order to ascertain the fate of their children, said Ranchi SSP Anish Gupta on Saturday.

Notably, two persons of Missionaries of Charity, Ranchi, including Sister Koncilia and Anima Indwar, have been arrested for allegedly selling children of unwed mothers admitted in their charity ward. The Child Welfare Committee has registered a case with the police in this connection.

Ranchi SSP Anish Gupta "The exact figure regarding number of children sold by Sister Koncilia and her associate Anima Indwar is not very clear. So far police have records up to only 2016 in this regard," Gupta said. Gupta said three out of the four children - about whom police have complete information - have been rescued. Police are also carrying out searches to rescue the fourth child allegedly sold by Sister Koncilia.

Sister Koncilia, as claimed by police, has "confessed" to selling three children for money and giving away the fourth child. The SSP said Sister Koncilia had admitted in writing that infants were sold from the unwed mothers' ward, which was under her charge. "The rescue of babies has also been made on basis of her statement showing that she is clearly involved in the racket," he said. He added that the sister used to make the mothers sign an undertaking that they would have no relation with the child born to them.

Source, here.

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