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Vinod Kambli and his wife have been booked for assault after CCTV footage emerged showing Andrea Kam

Vinod Kambli and his wife have been booked for assault after Bollywood singer Ankit Tiwari and his family filed charges against Kambli after CCTV footage emerged showing Andrea Kambli striking the man. Watch the video for Andrea’s defense.

An elderly man taking his granddaughter to a play-zone in a mall along with his son and all of a sudden this woman attacks him from behind alleging that the man intentionally brushed her.

Accused here happens to be Ankit Tiwari's father, the famous singer who was once slapped with a false rape case & was later acquitted.

The women here is the wife of ex-cricketer Vinod Kambli, husband & wife duo are now facing a complaint about physically assaulting the old man.

CCTV footage which is being circulated in media shows nothing of the sort that was alleged by Andrea Kambli.

It's not uncommon these days and at a drop of a hat, men get framed in #FakeCases as an outcome of an altercation with a woman in public places.

Had the accused been a common man, he would have been behind bars like what happened in the Zaira Wasim case sometime back.

Celebrities who get victimised by #LawMisuse should stand up and be vocal about this social wrong. Something that they don't do as they don't want to displease many a feminist in the industry.

Except for one or two exceptions, we've never seen any celebrity strongly coming out against the misuse of laws despite being bitten up by the bug themselves.

But karma comes back and will keep hitting these people irrespective of their celebrity status.

Time for these celebrities to wake up and speak.

Video courtesy NewsMo


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