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Woman throws acid on 75-year-old mother-in-law

A woman threw acid on her 75-year-old mother-in-law over a property quarrel in Chandkheda area of Ahmedabad, late on Thursday night. When Ghudi Leuva’s 80-year-old husband confronted their daughter-in-law, they were roughed up and abused by their son as well. Chandkheda police on Friday lodged a complaint against the daughter-in-law and son for attacking the elderly parents.

Woman throws acid on 75-year-old mother-in-law

The elderly woman Ghudi Leuva has been currently taking treatment for burn injuries at a private hospital in Chandkheda. According to the FIR filed by Leuva’s husband Manilal, who is a retired railway employee, their daughter-in-law Nilam, aged around 42, allegedly threw acid on Leuva from behind when she came out of the bathroom on Thursday night. “When she started screaming, I rushed to the bathroom and found that Nilam had thrown acid on my wife. My son Sunil was also there. When I rebuked Sunil about why his wife threw the acid, he started abusing us and he roughed us up as well,” said the complaint by Manilal, a resident of Chandkheda. Manilal later rushed to a nearby private hospital to get Ghudi treatment. The two accused persons, Nilam and Sunil, have been booked for causing grievous hurt to Leuva.

Had thrown acid on mother-in-law earlier too The complainant, Manilal Leuva, stated in the FIR that it was not the first time his daughter-in-law had thrown acid on his wife. She had thrown acid on her a couple of times, but they avoided a police complaint then. Manilal stated in the FIR that they had cut out their son and daughter-in-law from their property will as they were treating them badly. After that, the daughter-in-law tried to get even with Leuva. “I also gave public notices in newspapers in 2006 and 2013, that my son and daughter-in-law are not my legal heirs, and asked them to leave us. They continued to stay with us against our wish,” said Manilal.

Source, here.


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