Promoting Harmony
General Discussions
We are general with a lot of generals to know about! Know about us here.
9Men & Masculinities
Dive into discussions about men & masculinities!
5Common Myths
Here we discuss myths that are common for almost everyone who encounters gender issues for the first time.
5Gynocentrism & Misandry
Indian society is born feminist and the inherit gynocentrism, as well as misandry, are the two main reasons for gender bias against men.
16Men's Health
Are you aware of the biological fact that when it comes to survival, men are the weaker sex?
5Marital Discord
Boys are taught that being a man is about not crying, rather it's about protecting & providing for women and children.
28Issues During Litigation
Every man starts feeling alone the moment matrimonial cases begin. Avoid getting frustrated or depressed and raise your concerns here.
12RCR & Divorce
Restitution of Conjugal Rights, or Divorce - What's preferable? Why or why not?
4Child Custody Matters
With the practice of taking the children away, wives have deprived children of their rightful love of fathers & grandparents.
2Domestic Violence
If men expect the wives to take care of the home as their mother did as per women’s traditional role, its domestic violence for them.
This not only lures women to incapacitate themselves but also encourages other women to file false cases and get free money doing nothing.
3498A et alii like 376/376
After July 2014, there has been a steep rise in 498A IPC cases where 376 or/and 377 charges are also added. Discuss such cases here.
4304B IPC
A law that penalizes someone just on presumptions and assumptions.
1Bail - AB/Interim/Regular
Once AB or interim bail is secured, work as an initial psychological victory, the regular one is an achieved milestone.
1Sexual Offences
Sexual harassment allegations - the latest tools to settle personal scores or extort money.
11376 / 354 IPC
Rape or molestation allegations have become a new tool in the hands of unscrupulous people to settle personal scores.
Sexual Harassment of Women at Workplace (Prevention, Prohibition and Redressal) Act, 2013 - Assassin's weapon for #DigitalMobLynching.
The Protection of Children from Sexual Offences Act, 2012 - Much popular with mothers of daughters.